Digital Closings

Real estate has shifted to a digital landscape. Electronic closings offer solutions to help you close safely and conveniently. 

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E-closings give you more time to review and better understand what you’re signing.

Save a trip to our office. Sign at a time and place that works with your schedule.

Electronic signings cut back on the amount of paper you have keep track of and store.

What is an eClosing?

An eClosing offers borrowers, buyers and sellers a fully digital closing experience. This involves the act of signing as well as notarizing real estate closing documents in a completely digital environment. Depending on certain factors, an eClosings may involve signing all or just a portion of the closing documents electronically.

Does my lender offer full e-closing?

Full eClosing

If your lender provides the support for a full eClosing, all closing documents are electronically generated, then presented for you to review and digitally sign in the presence of an electronic notary public . A full eClosing can be done both in-person where a settlement agent assists you through the signing process or via a remote, digital online secure video session.

More information on eNotarization

Hybrid eClosing

Although eClosing are becoming more widely available, there are still many lenders that require ink to paper signatures, commonly referred to as ‘wet signatures’. In these cases, documents that require wet signatures are physically signed in the presence of a notary while the remaining closing documents are signed electronically.

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The Numbers

Due to the global public health events that occurred in 2020, digital closings have become increasingly popular among consumer seeking a safer and more convenient closoing alternative .


Estimated annual savings if the loan and settlement process moved from in-person, paper signings to a full digital signing process. 

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Rise in the number of borrowers that successfully used an online application to apply for a new loan. 

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Increase in consumer satisfaction scores among those that chose to sign loan documents electronically. 

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Get a head start

Ask your lender about eClosing

If eClosing is something you’re interested in using for your next real estate closing talk to your lender right away. We encourage our clients to shop around for a lender that meets all your needs including a full eClosing loan process, from application to closing. Need help getting started? Reach out to us today!

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