
Developer Focused Services

Solar Development Title Services

Securing marketable and insurable title is an essential component of real estate due diligence during distributed solar development. Encumbrances and defects on title can delay and impede capital deployment for developers. We support developers in the early stages of of a project’s lifecycle, performing proper examination and clearance of title to ensure the most time and cost-effective path to market.

New to title insurance in Solar Develpoment?

We’ll walk you through each step, from securing dirt to policy. 

Why title insurance is important

We understand development timelines

Examining title is a critical juncture in a project’s life cycle. Though land acquisition for solar development may appear to be the most critical stage for a project, the efforts in securing land could ultimately prove fruitless if there are matters of record that reduce your chances of insuring a project with a title policy, or even more terminal, completely prohibit your ability to develop renewable energy systems on that land.

Because the timeline for developing solar projects can be arduous and exhaustive, getting a clear picture of the land you’re working with, it’s history, matters of record that affect that land (e.g., mortgages, easements, restrictions, covenants, etc.), can position you to eliminate delays and prevent you from wasting time and money developing on land where, at the end of the day, your project may not be insurable from a title perspective. We help give developers get a head start on making sure the real estate they’re working with for solar development is in fact workable, and that they can competitively market insurable projects to the industry. 


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